Licensed Massage Therapist

Licensed Massage Therapist. For more information and to schedule an appointment, please call (253) 576-9776.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How I Can Help Take Away Your Pain


My name is George Hern. Thank you for visiting my website.

You or someone you know is experiencing some type of physical pain and you're
wondering if I can help reduce or eliminate that pain, right?

From my experience, the answer to your question is most likely yes.

But every individual and situation is different. To know for certain if I can help,
I need to talk with you. The sooner we can talk, the sooner I can begin to help
eliminate your pain.

Your next question is, "George, how do you take away my pain?".  In short, the answer is 
Neuro Muscular Body Sculpting.  What's that? Glad you asked.

Neuro Muscular Body Sculpting is the natural science of working with your body's connective tissue to help your body realign itself, without tearing tissue.
As your body becomes realigned, the process helps increase the natural flow of blood to the injured area.
Nutrients from the food you eat are then allowed to flow to the injured area, thus allowing your body to naturally heal itself over time.

My goal is to once again restore you to a pain free life.

You do not need to live in pain. You CAN live a pain free life.

Call now so I begin to help take away your pain.


George Y. Hern LMT

P.S. Please feel free to leave a testimonial if you have benefited from my service.
It is worth a one-time discount off your next appointment. To receive your
discount, you must bring in a print out of your comment for verification.

To Post a Comment, do the following:

  • 1. Write your comment in the Post a Comment box. If you do not see the comment box, click the comments hyperlink at the bottom of this page.
  • 2. In the Comment as: drop down box, choose how you want to sign
    your comment. Example: Name/URL or Anonymous
  • 3. Press the Post Comment button.
  • 4. For the one-time discount on your next appointment, print out your comment and bring it in to me for verification.

I Would Like To Personally Thank Each Person That Has Already Left A Testimonial. I Really Appreciate It! It Helps Me And It Encourages Those Who Want To Become Pain Free To Likewise Seek Out My Service. Thank You Again.

Below is a video I believe everyone should watch. If you have more questions about it, please let me know.

Please Press The Play Button To Watch This Video


  1. I can personally attest to George's technique because he completely cured my herniated disk as well as numerous other ailments. At the time, I was highly skeptical anyone could help my herniated L-5 disk problem. I was a foreman/ tree climber for a tree service and after a year of dealing with pain, I finally had to stop working because of the severity of the pain. The nuerosurgeon told me it was close to rupturing, and that surgery was the only remedy. A friend told me about George and I went in for a visit. Six weeks later I was completely pain free and almost ready to go back to heavy lifting at work. In the past several years, George has removed my pain associated with tree work over and over (hand, wrist, shoulder, neck pain) and kept my back in shape. Usually, it only takes one treatment! The treatments are low impact and quick. I highly recommend George Hern for pain treatment, and would be more than willing to personally testify to this.

    Ryan Ringe
    Arbor Barber Tree Service

  2. I suffer from back spasms since a car accident in 1996. My doctor has me on flexeril but the drug makes me very tired and unable to function. I heard about George from my neighbor who told me that he had cured her brother-in-law's mother who prior to her treatments with George could barely walk. I was skeptical and didn't give him another thought until my back went out on me prior to a big trial. My husband reminded me of George and I went to see him. Literally, within 20 minutes, I was able to stand up straight. I swore it was pyschosomatic but the spasm did not return. I still suffer from spasms every other year or so and each time it only takes one treatment from George to get my back to healthy again! I highly endorse George!

    Maya Trujillo

  3. Tolic Rajko said

    My 9 year old kid had bad Asthma and breathing problems that accrued over night. My regular doctor had no explanation while the symptoms got worse. I went to George and till today I can not explain what he did but after the first visit the Asthma went away, 3 visits later my kid was completely cured from all allergy, sniffing etc. till today. This guy is amazing and my kid loves George and calles him "the fixer".....

    Rajko Tolic
    RT Painting LLC
    253 241 47 18

  4. I would like to share how much George has help my family. I started going to George because a horse friend recommended him, said how amazing he was and how much he helped her and her family. I had tried doctors and numerous different massage treaments and none had help my neck and severe jaw cracking issues. From the very first visit George had me feeling better! Really! I then brought in my Down's Syndrome daughter, Becky, who hadn't been feeling good.She has had numerous surgeries including open heart. George went to work on her and now she is feeling so much better and is happier. Because of George she is up dancing around the house these days. So now my husband is getting worked on and I am quick to share info on 'my body guy' George. :-)

    Martha Nicholas

  5. I have suffered with low back pain for several years. I have tried physical therapy to no avail. I began seeing George just one month ago, visiting him once each week. And, will continue to do so. I will admit I was incredibly skeptical at first. That is until my first visit. I am absolutely amazed by his technique - Neuro Muscular Body Sculpting. George is a godsend!

  6. I was in a high speed car accident back in 2009. I have undergone 3 neck surgeries since then and still have not been able to return to work, I suffer from chronic pain, as well as dibilitating migraines. My husband found NMBS while at a nearby business and went in to make an appt. My experience was a terrible one to say the VERY least. On my third appt, near the end of my session, and during treatment there came a time that I became to feel very violated. I will not go into detail. However, I did file a report at the Bonney Lake PD. Although the report is available for public disclosure. George Hern was not charged with a crime. I do not recommend Neuro Muscular Body Sculping

    Jennie Lioce

  7. What to expect when you schedule an appointment: Neuro Muscular Body Sculping is performed in a professional clinic while the client is fully clothed. All NMBS techniques followed are within the guidelines and parameters of Washington State law.

    I do understand that each individual has their own level of modesty and comfort. Knowing this, I openly encourage an environment of open dialogue with each of my clients so they can be comfortable expressing their feelings in order to create a healthy therapist client relationship.

  8. George Hern is the most respectful and gentle practitioner and I have never felt uncomfortable ever in his presence. I am a woman who will not go to a male doctor or massage therapist due to my modesty. I can only imagine that Ms. Lioce suffers from other issues to believe ill of George Hern and am sorry that she would possibly confuse proper procedure with a malevolent act. I highly endorse George Hern--He has cured me and my husband and I would trust him with my own children.

    Maya Trujillo

  9. My name is Adzani Huntersmith. I am a chef and suffer from extreme arthritis and tendonitis. My fingers were literally getting gnarly. I can vouch for George's healing abilities though I cannot explain them. I live in Seattle and based on what my sister told me, I made the time to drive down there to see him and was so glad that I did. My hands felt like normal hands within two treatements, though I went a few more times for follow up. George was incredibly respectful and insightful. We call him the healer in our family! Thanks George!

  10. George was recommended to be becuase of chronic lower back pain. I have seen him a hand full of times and must say that he effectively uses the most unique combinations of techiques I have ever seen. I have been going to Chiropraters and Massage Theropists for 45 years and I've never met someone like George. His breath of knowledge about how the body works and how to fix it is almost unbelieveable to me. The first time I saw him he took away the pain in my lower back, since then he has been successfully correcting a crooked smile, and one eye which was higher then the other in my face which has resulted in improved reading abilty. All this done by his patentented technique of NMBS. It's pretty amazing to see my face change some every time I see him.

    He is one of the most gentle, calming pratictioners that I have ever used. I know of only one other that equals him, and I still go to that same man after some 25 years of treatments. I suspect it will be the same for George. I am willing to drive 2.5 hrs and over 120 miles round trip to see him. I am very thankful that my sister introduced him to me. She has had so many things wrong with her. She has been seeing George weekly for 6 months and I've seen wonderful improvements in her, going from hardly being able to get out of bed due do fibromialga and other muscle and spine issues, to leading a more nomal life then she has been able to do in years.

    I highly recommend George Hern because of his ability, morals, and high ethical standards, and believe that no matter how good you think you feel, he can help you feel even better.
    Ken Hoffman

  11. George was recommended to my by a friend who has received tremendous benefit from his treatments. I have had chronic health issues for over 30 years, Fibromialgia, Migranes, muscle pain, and many debilitating immune system issues. I have just started to see George, but already I am noticing differences in how my body is working and responding to the constant pain I have been forced to deal with for so many years. From what he tells me and what I have experienced thuse far I believe he will be able to reduce or eliminate many of the problems I have and dramatically reduce the pain I must deal with each day. I thank God that he brought this brilliant, highly intuitive, and extremely skilled pratitioner into my life. I am looking forward to continued progress with George for both myself and my developmentally disabled daughter.

  12. My body was all out of wack. After years of playing premire soccer and many physical beat downs I did not even notice that my body wasn't lined up correctly. I went to physical therapy for shoulder pain that the doctors could not find on MRI's and x-rays and the physical therapy did not help much. After a visit with George i realized that it was probably due to the fact that my knees, spine, hips, ribs, neck, head, were all out of line. I actually watched them get realigned and it is not painful at all. Because he just massages the soft tissue around everything and the muscles and bones naturally fall back into place. My raynaud's syndrome has not acted up after seeing him either. The sholder pain is gone. Many other pains are gone. And for the first time in years I can sit up and walk around strait. Holding a strait back now is just natural where as before it was an intense painful physical feat. Oh ya and for those of you with arthritus, this therapy works wonders.

  13. I was diagnosed with Scoliosis as a teen and have had many back injuries as well as disc degeneration. I was told by some of the best surgeons in Washington, that there was nothing that could be done.
    After the very first visit there was visible straightening and less pain, and each visit only improves my situation. I am very happy to have found George and would recommend him to anyone.

  14. Update on my family- I wanted to share that since George has started working on my daughter Becky in May that she has lost 16 pounds. Her doctor asked how she is losing it and the only change in Becky's life is George. Since George has her body feeling better Becky is alot more active, feels so much better and is having weight lose because of it. I have referred him to numerous friends since we appreicate what George has done for us. My newest referral has been to numerous types of holistic healers and feel George is different and she is feeling much better now.


  15. My name is Hannah I arthritis in my hips Tendonitis in my elbow from years of vacuuming schools. I've had tendon surgery in my foot. I sometimes wait to long to go back to George to get care for the pain. But the first time I go I feel the blood flow in my arm and hand improve. He really helps take the pain away and make my body move again.


  16. I cannot tell you how greatful I am to have found George Hern he is definatly a miracle worker. I have been suffering for along time from a earlier accident in my 20's. Since my recent visits I feel young again. I have found myself feeling and sleeping better than ever. Thank you Geroge for your healing touch.

    Sincerly Geri K.

  17. I feel good now, alot of my pain has gone away! I have made some serious changes since my appointment I am getting healthier. I see and think more clear he has counceled me though my hard times he is such an angel. I really feel real good when I leave Georges place and I feel like singing! He a lines my frame so I can sit more comfortably.

    Thank you, Ana

  18. In the 6 months that I have been seeing George Hern my chronic neck and shoulder pain has been greatly reduced. My neck and spine alignment has vastly improved and I am now able to sleep without being awakened with arm numbness and pain.
    I wish I had known of George years ago because chiropractic and physical therapy were never able to heal me.
    George has taken the time to work on my specific problems and to make the adjustments necessary for my body to heal itself, along with explaining the process so that I am in tune with what is taking place.
    My body is now working with itself instead of against.
    I would highly recommend George to anyone who is living with pain and is tired of the standard treatments that don't seem to work.

    Greg M.
    Bonney Lake, WA

  19. Daizy /Teresa R. KorniczkyMay 10, 2012 at 11:59 PM

    If it was not for the guidance and healing techniques of George Hern, i doubt i would be alive today.. I drove to treatments for months from Seattle.In the short yet effective therapeutic sessions I spent with George I learned and grew and healed myself I became a new woman. I am now-years later- living a beautiful and blessed life, and I have George to thank..and Thankyou to Ryan Ring and our friend Allessandro who referred me (and drove me, bless your sweetheart) to George. I consider him an amazing and undeniable healer..a dear friend and confidant,a perfect intellectual and spiritual guide, and a life-saver and angel on earth. Thankyou, are loved and missed. Daizy~Teresa E. Rusnak Korniczky

  20. In addition to all the great comments people have left on George's website (he truly is a Godsend), George has also helped me with my overall health.

    I've come to learn that George's Neuro Muscular Body Sculpting techniques and treatments are not only about the re-alignment of our bodies and its inter-related parts, i.e. the muscles, connective tissue, and bone structure, but more. In order for our body to re-built itself, it's critical that we provide correct nutrition in order to achieve complete health.

    During one of my sessions with George, I had expressed a concern to him that had weighed on my mind which was related to my family's health history. He told me to Google the word "Natto" and "Nattokinase" to read about the research that had been done by Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi and Natto's natural benefits. I followed up on George's suggestion and what I found was quite interesting.

    If you want to know more about my what I found, you can click above on my name.

    p.s. I'm still trying to figure out a way to clone George. Many more people need his healing touch to help them relieve their physical pain.

  21. I have been coming to see George Hern for a little over a month now for moderate to severe back and neck pain. On my first visit I was having moderate pain in my neck and sciatic area and experienced an immediate decrease in pain and and an overall feeling of well being. I had the strangest sensation of feeling "taller" when I walked out than when I arrived which I can only attribute to an improvement in posture due to the reduction in pain. Two weeks ago I picked up a plastic bucket full of chains (bad idea) and nearly dropped to my knees with severe sciatic pain. I tried to walk it off then I tried ice but the pain was intense and only ibuprofen offered any relief. After 24 hours I was taking pain relievers every 4 hours just to continue functioning. I called George in desperation and he was able to see me on short notice. I walked in with a painful limp holding onto my husband for support and after a 20 minute session with George I walked out completely free of pain. I have seen chiropractors, acupuncturists and traditional physicians but I have never experienced immediate and complete pain relief on this level. I wholeheartedly recommend George Hern and his Nuero Muscular Body Sculpting technique. Thank you George for sharing your talent at reasonable prices.

  22. I went in with a tailbone issue and got much more than I expected... For about a month I had difficulty talking and breathing correctly and had seen numerous doctors and had all kinds of test done on my throat, larynx, and vocal cords. With just our initial visit George realigned my next and suddenly the pressure was gone from my throat and I could talk clearly again. He also was able to fix several other issues that I thought were gone before from taking medicine for. I am definitely a believer and it's well worth the drive from Seattle...

    Thanks George

  23. I went 1st visit last 3-09-2015 Monday to George,I feel very good,After done the massage,I willing to back to release all the pain in my Body.Thanks George for let me pain go away to my body!! God Bless you!!& thanks to my coworker refer me too.From:Cilia E.

  24. Last January 22,2015,Igot car accident George Hern help me to release all the pain of suppering to my body,I Thanks Jesus First that to send me to George to massage &to allign in all for my body in Good shape & good healthy all my body again!! George such a great NMBS for me,I will suggest to all have pain to be painless & Good Condition Body make a long & Joyfull Life to Everybody:) God bless you George & your Family!! From:Norm & Merriam :)

  25. We went to see George yesterday. I had spondylolisthesis (or whatever it's spelled) for years. George aligned my back and I don't feel that pain no more!!!! First time in many years!!!! MY posture is different and even my husband noticed a difference right away. I'm thankful to God that he sent us to George.

  26. We went to see George yesterday. I had spondylolisthesis (or whatever it's spelled) for years. George aligned my back and I don't feel that pain no more!!!! First time in many years!!!! MY posture is different and even my husband noticed a difference right away. I'm thankful to God that he sent us to George.

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  28. All I can say is WOW! I had a quad accident and was in the most severe pain. Within one visit i was able to sit, walk, and lay down. Within two visits most of the pain was gone. I have now had 4 visits and I am feeling terrific. He is a very kind soul and will listen. He explains what he is doing and why. I never would have believed in this if I didn't get desperate and thought anything could help. He is the best ever. I will continue to see him. He also give great advice on different health issues and things to try "naturally" rather than western medicine. He truly is an AMAZING man.
